IncoreX API

For safety reasons during API activation withdrawals are blocked for 48 hours.

The quantity of accessing to API methods is limited to 180 requests per minute from one IP address or from one user.


API is available without HTTP authorization by GET or POST methods.

A public API doesn't require the use of authorization and is available with HTTP by GET or POST methods.
The general view of the URL for access to the API is as follows{api-name}?{api-params}
where api-name - is the name of API method to which an access is made
api-params - are incoming query parameters (if required)

Methods description:

List of transactions of a currency pair
Method name: trades
HTTP query method: POST / GET
Incoming parameters: pair - one or several currency pairs, separated by a comma (example BTC_USD, BTC_EUR)
Example use:
Returnable response: { "BTC_USD": [ { "trade_id": 7569368, "type": 1, "quantity": "1", "price": "100", "amount": "100", "date": 1528129170 } ] }
Field description: trade_id - transaction identification code
type - type of transaction, where 0 – is selling, 1 – is buying
quantity - amount per transaction
price - price of transaction
amount - amount of transaction
date - date and time of the transaction in the format
List of orders of a currency pair
Method name: order_book
HTTP query method: POST / GET
Incoming parameters: pair - one or several currency pairs, separated by a comma (example BTC_USD, BTC_EUR)
limit – the number of displayed positions (as a default 100, maximum 1000)
Example use:
Returnable response: { "BTC_USD": { "ask": [["100","1","100"],["200","2","400"]], "bid": [["99","1","99"]], "ask_quantity": "3", "ask_amount": "500", "ask_top": "100", "bid_quantity": "1", "bid_amount": "99", "bid_top": "99" } }
Field description: ask - a list of orders for disposal, where each line is the price, quantity and amount
bid - a list of orders for purchase, where each line is the price, quantity and amount
ask_quantity - a quantity of all orders for disposal
ask_amount - an amount of all orders for disposal
ask_top - minimum selling price
bid_quantity - a quantity of all orders for purchase
bid_amount - an amount of all orders for purchase
bid_top - maximum purchase price
Price statistics and traded value of currency pairs
Method name: ticker
HTTP query method: POST / GET
Incoming parameters: No
Example use:
Returnable response: { "BTC_USD": [ "BTC/USD", "7560.2", "7560.3", "52.02", "0.0069", "14235.04859805", "7599.7", "7372", 1528216450 ] }
Field description: Array of information, where:
  1. name of the currency pair
  2. current bid price
  3. current ask price
  4. price spread for 24 hours
  5. price spread in percent for 24 hours
  6. last price
  7. volume for 24 hours
  8. high price for 24 hours
  9. low price for 24 hours
  10. date and time of data update in Unix format
Adjustment of currency pairs
Method name: pair_settings
HTTP query method: POST / GET
Incoming parameters: No
Example use:
Returnable response: { "BTC_USD": { "min_quantity":"0.002", "max_quantity":"100", "min_price":"0.01", "max_price":"100", "min_amount":"0.01", "max_amount":"300" } }
Field description: min_quantity - minimum quantity for order
max_quantity - maximum quantity for order
min_price - minimum price for order
max_price - maximum price for order
min_amount - minimum amount for order
max_amount - maximum amount for order
List of currencies of the exchange house
Method name: currency
HTTP query method: POST / GET
Incoming parameters: No
Example use:
Returnable response: ["EUR","USD","PLN","RUB","BTC","BCH","DASH","ETH","ETC","LTC","XMR"]

API requests are available only with HTTP by POST method with the use of authorization.

All API methods are available only by HTTP POST.

The general view of the URL for access to the API is as follows{api-name}
where api-name - is the name of API method to which an access is made

An authorization of all sent requests is carried out by sending HTTP headers to the server:

Key — is an API Key which is available in the user profile settings
(example: d876ff8da67c3731ae25d8335a4168b4)

Sign — is hash POST data (param=val&param1=val1), signed by the secret key using the HMAC-SHA512 method. Secret key (API Secret) is available in the user profile settings.
(example: hash_hmac('sha512', 'param=val&param1=val1', '1ddec0f92f297e937bdf409977df0c02'))

In all requests there must be mandatory POST-parameter nonce with an incremental numeric value (>0). This value should not be repeated or decreased.

Ready-made examples of working with API in different programming languages:

Methods description:

Information about user account
Method name: user_info
HTTP query method: POST
Incoming parameters: No
Example use in PHP: api_query("user_info", Array());
Returnable response: { "uid": 10542, "server_time": 1435518576, "balances": { "BTC": "970.994", "USD": "949.47" }, "reserved": { "BTC": "3", "USD": "0.5" } }
Field description: uid - user identification code
server_time - date and time of the server in Unix format
balances - available user balance
reserved - user balance in orders
Creation of the order
Method name: order_create
HTTP query method: POST
Incoming parameters: pair - currency pair
quantity – order quantity
price – order price
position – the order position can take the following values:
  • buy - purchase order
  • sell - order for disposal
type – order type, can take the following values:
  • limit - pending order, which will be executed upon realization of a price
  • market - order at current price
  • stoplimit - a pending order to be executed when the highest purchase price or the lowest selling price reaches a certain price value stoplimit/price
limitprice – maximum / minimum (depending on the value position: buy/sell) order price, (mandatory parameter when type: stoplimit)
Example use in PHP: api_query("order_create", Array( "pair" => "BTC_USD", "quantity" => 1, "price" => 100, "position" => "buy", "type" => "market" ));
Returnable response: { "name": "order_create", "status": "ok", "id": 0, "msg": "Ok", "order_id": 123456 }
Field description: name - name of API method
status - ok in case of successful creation and error in case of error
id - contains an error identification code
msg - contains error text
order_id - order identification code
Cancellation of an order
Method name: order_cancel
HTTP query method: POST
Incoming parameters: order_id - order identification code
Example use in PHP: api_query("order_cancel", Array( "order_id" => 123456 ));
Returnable response: { "name": "order_cancel", "status": "ok", "id": 0, "msg": "Ok" }
Field description: name - name of API method
status - ok in case of successful creation and error in case of error
id - contains an error identifier
msg - contains error text
The lit of open user orders
Method name: user_open_orders
HTTP query method: POST
Incoming parameters: No
Example use in PHP: api_query("user_open_orders", Array());
Returnable response: { "BTC_USD": [ { "date": 1528117470, "order_id": 123456, "pair": "BTC_USD", "position": 0, "type": "market", "quantity": "1", "price": "100", "amount": "100" } ] }
Field description: date - date and time of order creation in Unix format
order_id - order identification code
pair - currency pair
position - order position, where 0 – is selling, 1 – is buying
type - order type(limit/market/stoplimit),
limitprice - for stoplimit order type,
quantity - order quantity
price - order price
amount - order amount
List of user transactions
Method name: user_trades
HTTP query method: POST
Incoming parameters: pair - one or several currency pairs, separated by a comma (example BTC_USD, BTC_EUR)
offset - offset from the last transaction (as a default 0)
limit - number of returned transactions (as a default 100, maximum 10,000)
Example use in PHP: api_query("user_trades", Array( "pair" => "BTC_USD", "offset" => 0, "limit" => 100 ));
Returnable response: { "BTC_USD": [ { "trade_id": 123456, "date": 1435488248, "type": 1, "pair": "BTC_USD", "order_id": 123456, "quantity": 1, "price": 100, "amount": 100 } ] }
Field description: trade_id - transaction identification code
date - date and time of transaction in Unix format
type - type of transaction, where 0 – is selling, 1 – is buying
pair - currency pair
order_id - user order identification code
quantity - transaction quantity
price - transaction price
amount - transaction amount
List of cancelled user orders
Method name: user_cancelled_orders
HTTP query method: POST
Incoming parameters: offset - offset from the last transaction (as a default 0)
limit – number of returned transactions (as a default 100, maximum 10,000)
Example use in PHP: api_query("user_cancelled_orders", Array( "offset" => 0, "limit" => 100 ));
Returnable response: [ { "date": 1435519742, "order_id": 123456, "pair": "BTC_USD", "position": 1, "type": "market", "quantity": 3, "price": 100, "amount": 300 } ]
Field description: date - date and time of order cancelation in Unix format
order_id - order identification code
pair - currency pair
position - order position, where 0 – is selling, 1 - is buying
type - order type, where
  • limit - pending order, which will be executed upon realization of a price
  • market - order at current price
  • stoplimit - a pending order to be executed when the highest purchase price or the lowest selling price reaches a certain price value stoplimit/price
quantity - order quantity
price - order price
amount - order amount
The history of transactions by the order
Method name: order_trades
HTTP query method: POST
Incoming parameters: order_id - order identification code
Example use in PHP: api_query("order_trades", Array( "order_id" => 123456 ));
Returnable response: { "position": 0, "type": "market", "in_currency": "BTC", "in_amount": "1", "out_currency": "USD", "out_amount": "100", "percent_succesfull": 100, "trades": [ { "trade_id": 123456, "date": 1435488248, "type": 0, "pair": "BTC_USD", "order_id": 123456, "quantity": 1, "price": 100, "amount": 100 } ] }
Field description: position - order position, where 0 – is selling, 1 - is buying
type - order type, where
  • limit - pending order, which will be executed upon realization of a price
  • market - order at current price
  • stoplimit - a pending order to be executed when the highest purchase price or the lowest selling price reaches a certain price value stoplimit/price
in_currency - incoming currency
in_amount - the amount of incoming currency
out_currency - outgoing currency
out_amount - the amount of outgoing currency
percent_succesfull - order percentage completion
trades - array of transactions, where:
  • trade_id - transaction identification code
  • date - transaction date in Unix format
  • type - transaction type, where 0 – is selling, 1 – is buing
  • pair - currency pair
  • order_id - order identification code
  • quantity - transaction quantity
  • price - transaction price
  • amount - transaction amount
Calculation of an amount in which it will be required to buy a certain amount of currency for a specific currency pair
Method name: required_amount
HTTP query method: POST
Incoming parameters: pair - currency pair
quantity – quantity which is required to buy
Example use in PHP: api_query("required_amount", Array( "pair" => "BTC_USD", "quantity" => "0.5" ));
Returnable response: { "quantity": "0.5", "amount": "3500.00", "avg_price": "3.66666666" }
Field description: quantity - purchase quantity
amount - an amount which you will spend for purchase
avg_price - average price of a purchase
List of addresses for deposit of crypto currencies
Method name: deposit_address
HTTP query method: POST
Incoming parameters: No
Example use in PHP: api_query("deposit_address", Array());
Returnable response: { "BTC": "...", "BCH": "...", "LTC": "...", "ETH": "...." }
Creation of an application for the withdrawal of crypto currency ATTENTION! This API method is activated to the user only after a request to the technical support
Method name: withdraw_crypt
HTTP query method: POST
Incoming parameters: amount - amount of withdrawal currency
currency – name of withdrawal currency
address – address of withdrawal
Example use in PHP: api_query("withdraw_crypt", Array( "amount" => 0.5, "currency" => "BTC", "address" => "..." ));
Returnable response: { "name": "withdraw_crypt", "status": "ok", "id": 0, "msg": "Ok", "task_id": "123456" }
Field description: name - name of API method
status - ok in case of successful creation and error in case of error
id - contains error identification code
msg - contains error text
task_id - identifier of a request for withdrawal
Obtaining the transaction ID of the crypto currency for tracking in the blockchain
Method name: withdraw_get_txid
HTTP query method: POST
Incoming parameters: task_id - identifier of a request for withdrawal
Example use in PHP: api_query("withdraw_get_txid", Array( "task_id" => 123456 ));
Returnable response: { "name": "withdraw_get_txid", "status": "ok", "id": 0, "msg": "Ok", "txid": "..." }
Field description: name - name of API method
status - ok in case of successful creation and error in case of error
id - contains error identification code
msg - contains error text
status - true if the request for withdrawal has already made
txid - transaction identifier by which it can be found in blockchain. If it contains an empty value, the request has not yet been processed

Private functions are available only with an authorization. To activate these methods you have to contact technical support.

Using X-VOUCHER API methods, you can create and activate X-VOUCHER vouchers These API methods are activated to the user only after a request to the technical support
Creation of the X-VOUCHER voucher
Method name: create_xvoucher
HTTP query method: POST
Incoming parameters: currency - name of voucher currency
amount – voucher amount
Example use in PHP: api_query("create_xvoucher", Array( "currency" => "BTC", "amount" => 0.5 ));
Returnable response: { "name": "create_xvoucher", "status": "ok", "id": 0, "msg": "Ok", "task_id": "123456", "code": "X-VOUCHER-CODE...", "amount": "0.5", "currency": "BTC", "balances": { "BTC": 1, "USD": 1000 } }
Field description: name - name of API method
status - ok in case of successful creation and error in case of error
id - contains error identification code
msg - contains error text
task_id - voucher identification code
code - X-VOUCHER voucher
amount - voucher amount
currency - voucher currency
balances - user balance after creation of a voucher
X-VOUCHER activation
Method name: activate_xvoucher
HTTP query method: POST
Incoming parameters: code - X-VOUCHER voucher
Example use in PHP: api_query("activate_xvoucher", Array( "code" => "X-VOUCHER-CODE..." ));
X-VOUCHER voucher: { "name": "activate_xvoucher", "status": "ok", "id": 0, "msg": "Ok", "amount": "0.5", "currency": "BTC" }
Field description: name - name of API method
status - ok in case of successful creation and error in case of error
id - contains error identification code
msg - contains error text
amount - voucher amount
currency - voucher currency

API requests are available only with HTTP by POST method with the use of authorization. To activate these methods you have to contact technical support.

The quantity of accessing to API methods is limited to 10 requests per minute from one IP address.
History of wallet operation
Method name: wallet_history
HTTP query method: POST
Incoming parameters: date - date in Unix format (timestamp) for which you need to get the transaction history (if it is not specified, the current day should be taken)
Example use in PHP: api_query("wallet_history", Array( "date" => 1528239599 ));
Returnable response: { "name": "wallet_history", "status": "ok", "id": 0, "msg": "Ok", "begin": "1528239600", "end": "1528325999", "history": [ { "date": 1528239600, "currency": "USD", "type": "deposit", "amount": "100", "fee": "1", "paysystem": "Perfect money", "account": "", "txid": "", "status": "processing" }, { "date": 1528239600, "currency": "XMR", "type": "withdrawal", "amount": "0.15000000", "fee": "0.05000000", "paysystem": "Monero", "account": "...", "txid": "...", "status": "processing" } ] }
Field description: name - name of API method
status - ok in case of successful creation and error in case of error
id - contains error identification code
msg - contains error text
begin - beginning of a period in Unix format
end - end of period in Unix format
history - an array of user operations (transaction history), where
  • date - date of transaction in Unix format
  • currency - transaction currency
  • type - type of transaction
  • amount - amount of transaction
  • fee - fee
  • paysystem - provider
  • account - account
  • txid - the transaction identifier by which you can find it in a blockchain
  • status - status
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